
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Time management... NOT!

I tell ya, time is definitely not on my side guys. Seriously.
My last post was 4 months ago and it was about my son turning 1. Which the post was also a throwback.
Now, how old is he? He's turning 17 months this 21st December.
People, it's December. Another half month it's going to be a brand new year!
Hello time, where have you been?

Working in IKEA is great but phew... it is so mentally and physically challenging. I'm used to working in retail industry but never thought this is going to be this challenging.
My boss said to me "you girls (me and my friend) gonna need some time to adjust to this environment. Give it 6 months and you will be okay"
Even after 2 weeks we felt like giving up let alone to give it another 6 months??? Okay, we are almost a month so maybe we can survive. Hahaha.
The seniors keep on asking "how are you?"
My answers "still here. still surviving."

My department is 1 of the most challenging department in IKEA.
Children's IKEA is IKEA's future customers.
That's what i keep in mind.
But, it is so messy and so hard to maintain department.
If i can stay in my department for at least a year, I can be in any department after this. If i can build up the commercial area in 3 months, from no walls to what ever that you guys sees now, I hope I can rebuild my life.

I gotta admit, I pity Mika. Trying my best to give all the time that I have to him. I hope I can give more but mommy gotta do what mommy gotta do for us, baby. Give mommy time to adjust to our new world.
I even did not have time for myself. I always get tired but I know I will be okay soon.

New year? New resolution?
Nope. Gonna stick with the old one which I did not remember but every year is gonna be for the same reason.
My one and only boy, my Mika.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Mika turns ONE!

Ni mulalah nak emo ni... last week, 21st july, my one and only son turns 1! Weyh, setahun yang lepas somebody came out from my tuttt tuttt... hahaha...
Who knows a girl like me can become a mother! Even aku sendiri pun x percaya... yela... diri sendiri pun x betul, pastu ada anak... itu yang paling aku takut sekali...
ku takut aku tak dapat didik anak aku dengan betul...
Every mother in the world wants the best thing in life for their children, including myself... walaupun memang banyak parents aku bagi macam macam but to hold them from not giving pun susah jugak because this is their first grandchild and the only boy in our family... they INSISTED!
A year older and i hope my son will become a year wiser. Ni nak mai dah part nak puji anak ni... yela... anak sendiri kan, siapa lagi nak puji kalau bukan maknya...
Mika memang sangat senang untuk dijaga... Alhamdulillah... bangun pagi2, senyum... dalam mamai pun boleh senyum... kalau mommy daddy kat sebelah still tidur pun dia diam je... tak ada nak nangis ke, bangun lompat katil ke... tapi bila agak agak dia dah boring, mula la dia cakap uuu aaa uuu aaa... paling kelakar bila kadang tu aku dah sedar dia dah bangun, then saja la aku buat buat still tidur... tapi aku perati je... nanti dia main dengan tangan dia, dia dok uuu aaa uuu aaa... menyanyi la kot tu..  pastu dia bangun duduk... then dia panggil la kitorang... kejut bangun... pastu puk puk puk pukul badan or muka sebab nak kejut punya pasal... tak bangun jugak? Dia panjat kitorang... hahahaha... kadang tu dia nampak jugak mata aku dah sedar, aku buat buat tutup muka, japgi dia tarik bantal... macam mana laaaaaaa x geli hati weyh... hahahahaha... mika kalau x sihat je baru dia akan bangun terus merengek... anakkk anakkk...
Sekejap aje rasa dah setahun... sekarang mika baru boleh meniti... nak datang ke dapur tu dia nak jalan, tapi kene pegang... kalau jalan sendiri takat 3, 4 tapak je then jatuh... it's okay sayang... try lagi ya... gigi mika tumbuh cepat... 5 bulan dah tumbuh dah tapi still belum boleh cakap... tapi pok pek pok pek dok uuu aaa uuu aaa... hahahaha...
Okay... nak sambung basuh baju... hahahahahaha... bapak lah spoil terukkk ending ni... byeeeeeee

Friday, June 26, 2015

Positive vibe :)

Aku bukan nak agung2kan company baru and buruk2kan company lama... but to tell you the truth, my current company is wayyyyyyyy different (well, i want to say better but sokayyy) than my previous one...
Ramai nak follow aku ikut kerja IKEA but 1 thing yang aku tengok, if you don't have the values that IKEA wants, kau speaking A sekalipun, tetap kau takkan dapat... IKEA sangat2 mementingkan the 10 values dalam diri every staff...

1- humbleness and willpower.
2- togetherness and enthusiasm.
3- simplicity.
4- accept and delegate responsibility.
5- daring to be different.
6- leadership by example.
7- constantly being on the way.
8- cost consciousness.
9- striving to meet reality.
10- constant desire for renewal.

Even masa interview pun, diorang akan tengok semua ni. You just have to be yourself. Cara interview memang sangat casual. Kalau boleh nak kau comfortable. And surprisingly, benda ni semua, automatically will change yourself & yourlife, in this case, myself & my life.
Beside being 1 of the most stable company in the whole wide world, world okay, not just Malaysia, aku selalu terperanjat sendiri how loyal some or most of the co workers yang stay dengan company for many years. Yang almost 20 years pun ada tau.
There were few people tanya aku "lepas IKEA, plan nak pergi mana?"
And my answer was, "for now, I think this is my pitstop". Even if it's not just "for now", I still think that this is my pitstop. Well, before join IKEA pun dah memang suka IKEA kan and the company is doing good, the pay is good, the environment is good, everything is good so why not?

I can feel the positive vibe.
(okayyy, I admit there will always be the negative people of course, in IKEA also but hey, this kind of people is everywhere though) but you yourself can feel the different.
If you choose to feel and be in the positive vibe area, then you will feel the goodness in it. But if you choose to be in the negative vibe, then it's up to you.
Me? I choose to stay away from those negative people and negative vibe and negative thinking and whatever I think is negative. It's not going to do any good to me, right?
This is the start of my new journey, my new life and I will not going to face whatever I'm facing at my previous company. What for? At the end, akuuuuu jugak yang stress nanti, kan?

So, be positive people. You will be surprise by the outcome.
Just ignore all those negative thinking people or their behaviour.
You will be less stress and more happy.

Apply this to yourlife "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT" and be happy :)))))

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New journey :)

Kerja baru.. routine baru.. life baru..
Alhamdulillah, aku dapat kerja dekat IKEA.. ni dah almost a month dekat sana.. Macam mana IKEA? Panjang kalau nak cerita.. Aku bukan dekat store Damansara.. Aku untuk store baru dekat Cheras.. InsyaAllah in November.. Sekarang memang busy untuk build up store.. That's why konon kata sempat nak blog tapi sebenarnya tak sempat.. huhuhu..

Aku tak kerja dekat office, aku dapat position untuk operation jugak.. Hahahaha... memang dah ditakdirkan aku ni kerja operations kot.. huhuhu.. for the time being, store Cheras belum bukak, so kitorang dapat off days on the weekend.. seronokkkkkkk bak hanggg.. tapi for the time being je lah.. enjoy lah selagi boleh.. huhuhu.. pasni, takdok laaa..
Nanti bila store dah bukak, of course, bila kau kerja untuk operation, u cannot expect to get all your of days on the weekend lagi.. so alternate la kot.. but i don't mind.. bila kadang dapat cuti weekdays sebenarnya best sebab time tu you can do all things time tak ramai orang.. macam bayar bills ke, grocery shopping ke, service kereta ke.. seronok tau sebab tak semak dengan manusia..
For now routine aku, paling lewat 7.15 dah kena gerak pergi kerja sebab training in Damansara.. so nak beat traffic tu adalah sesuatu yang mencabar.. pernah sekali tu terlambat.. pukul 7.30.. menggagau jugak nak pergi kerja.. nasib baik sharp2 pukul 8 sampai.. Then pukul 5.30, kau takyah rasa serba salah untuk balik rumah.. wahahahaha.. takyah rasa "alamak, tak sampai hati nak balik" "alamak, takut la nak balik ".. sini, no no no..
Nak beat traffic time balik rumah? Kau takyah mimpi lah kalau keluar pukul 5.30 sharp pun, pukul 6 kau akan sampai. Nehi nehi nehi. So bersabarlah aku dalam kereta tu.. sekejap je ni.. walaupun terpaksa redah traffic, redah tol yang hamaigad, minyak yang bagaikan air hujan (cewahhh), nanti bila kat cheras, banyak gilos i saving tau.. wuhuhu..
Yang seronok, bila kau memang kerja kerja kerja.. and sedar2, oh.. dah petang.. wahahahaha.. apa perasaan kerja IKEA? Sat.. aku up 1 more entry.. ni tiba2 rajin.. jangan dihalang kerajinan yang tiba2 datang.. rare weyh.. bye..

mai la tegoq tegoq say hi hi :D

Friday, April 24, 2015

5 years of bittersweet moments :')

Bukan senang nak buat decision ni... Tapi Alhamdulillah... Allah sebaik2 perancang...
Bila aku ditransfer ke Cheras, aku tak dapat tahan pressure dekat sana...
Selama aku bekerja, aku dapat bos atau superior yang kepala sempoi...
Kerja tetap jalan, tiptop.. tak ada masalah.. kalau ada masalah, confirm lah boss naik hantu..
Tapi lepas tu okay la semua... gelak2 ke... yang penting, operation semua smooth...
Dulu dapat pulak staff team yang committed, teamwork terbaik, tak berkira, kepala sempoi, baik hati, respect management, ceria, tak ada masalah disiplin... then bila dapat ke Cheras, semua yang memang bagi aku, penting untuk operation tu berjalan dengan smooth,
tak ada... lagi aku tambah down...

Manager aku bagus... sangat bagus... dia memang terbaik... ni aku tak perli tapi ni betul...
systematic... sangat sangat... tapi... tu lah... too strict and too stiff... tapi dalam muka garang dia, he's a family man tau... very... and sangat understandable kalau aku nak kena emergency pasal Mika...
And the top management now, entahlah... i prefer the previous CEO... hahaha...
and staff team yang... hmmm... tak macam team aku before...
So semua ni contribute untuk aku resign... Kalau mintak transfer, takkan aku nak bagitau semua reason tu... So, this is the only choice... Bila kau tak confortable working, sampai bila2 pun kau akan rasa terseksa... Kau takkan enjoy even if you love the job...

Lagipun, since ada Mika, aku tak boleh balik 3 pagi lagi... Kesian Mika... and kesian parents aku, kesian kakak and adik aku untuk jaga Mika waktu malam padahal besoknya diorang kerja and ada class... Banyak sangat diorang tolong aku and tak sampai hati jugak nak tinggalkan Mika malam2...

So lepas pikir panjang, and Alhamdulillah, lepas ada Mika ni, tak lama lepas tu, dapat offer...
Better place, better company, better salary... Even sometimes kena kerja weekend and public holiday but still, the working hours tak memerlukan aku balik pukul 3 pagi lagi...

Elok lepas last day aku haritu, besoknya Mika demam... musim sekarangkan...
Then more than 3 days demam dia, isnin decide jumpa doctor... Terus admit...
Rupanya ada tonsil... Nasib baik aku ada gap 2 minggu before kerja baru... So harini baru nak discharge... 5 hari admit... 5 hari mommy takleh buat apa2... tapi nasib baik mommy tak kerja...
Boleh jaga sayang mommy sorang ni... Minggu depan pulak Mama, Papa, Kakyin semua pergi umrah... Sekali dengan Kak Ila, Uncle Jan and Mak Njang Idah...
Nasib baik Mika admit minggu ni... Semua ada lagi...
Sebab tu aku cakap... Allah sebaik2 perancang... Semua dia atur cantik je...
Kejap lagi ready nak discharge... Terkejar kejar jugak nak buat semua benda...

Mommy buat semua untuk Mika... Alhamdulillah... Semua rezeki untuk Mika...
Tapi tak tipu, memang aku akan rindu... Dari february 2010... Aku start dengan part time... naik jadi supervisor... then tunggu entah bila nak naikkan aku jadi ACM sebab aku kan jenis tak suka kipas... Even aku dah perform walaupun location aku low volume, diorang tetap tak nampak... Even previous manager aku dah recommend nama aku... tetap tak ada pape... Even dah pergi assesment 3 kali, tetap tak ada pape...
So bila dapat RM baru, dia nak confirmkan aku... tapi by that time, aku dah dapat offer...
Tapi takkan lupa... 5 tahun 2 bulan dengan TGV... lama tu weyh...
Macam2 kerenah... Macam2 pengalaman... Macam2 perangai customer...
Tapi yang paling aku sayang, tetap Shamelin... Aku open location tu... Bangga weyh...
Ahhhh... rindu Shamelin... rindu sangat...
5 years of bittersweet moments...
Now, it's time to move on...

MAYBE aku boleh blog balik? Wahahahahaha... Hopefully....